Employment Opportunities

Seasonal office position(s) available now:

Box Office Coordinator: part-time, March–August, 10am–4pm Monday-Friday. Detailed job description with hours, seasonal dates, etc.

Apply for Office Position

Crew openings available before, during and after the 2025 Festival run:

General Crew for Setup: full or part time. June 28–July 11, 2025, 8am–4:30pm. Half hour lunch, two ten-minute breaks. 40 hours/week max. Minimum starting pay $18/hour; more based on experience. Duties include helping load and unload trucks of wood and equipment. Physical labor; must be able to stand, bend, and take direction well. July 4 is a half day or non-work day, your choice.

General Crew for Strike: full or part time. July 27–August 2, 2025, 8am–4:30pm. Half hour lunch, two ten-minute breaks. 40 hours/week max. Minimum starting pay $18/hour; more based on experience. Take everything down and return to storage. Physical labor; must be able to stand, bend, and take direction well.

Crew for Season Run: July 12–July 26, 2025. Minimum starting pay $18/hour; more based on experience. Hours depend on show schedule; afternoons, ending as late as 11pm. Minimum age 16. Set up and take down orchestra chairs, music stands and guest bands’ equipment. Must be able to take direction well.

Security, full and part time: June 26–August 2, 2025. Minimum starting pay $18/hour; more based on experience. Two shifts available: 4pm–12am Thu–Mon (Tue-Wed off) 40 hours/week maximum; and 8am–4pm, July 13-27, with option to combine with setup and/or strike crew shifts up to 40 hours/week combined maximum.

Experienced Carpenter: June 28–July 11, 2025, 8am–4:30pm. Half hour lunch, two ten-minute breaks. 40 hours/week max. Pay DOE.

Questions? MMF office M-F 10-4 (707) 937-2044 or jobs@mendocinomusic.org

Apply for Crew/Security Positions
