Festival Chamber Chorale Presents Brahms’ Liebeslieder (Love Song) Waltzes

Preston Hall 44867 Main St., Mendocino

Enjoy the delights of Brahms’ Vienna with a lovely springtime concert on Mother's Day. There will be pretty little tables, delicious pastries, and a lot of great music. Flowers, too. Jenny Matteucci will conduct the Festival Chamber Chorale, and Daniel Lockert and Susan Waterfall will play the duo-piano accompaniment, plus the marvelously dramatic Brahms Hungarian Dances, No. 1 in G minor, No. 4 in F minor, and No. 10 in E Major. Daniel will play Intermezzos Op. 118 No. 1 and No. 2, plus the Ballade Op. 118, No. 3. Ana Lucas will sing two duets with Jenny: “Weg der Liebe” and “Die Meere.” Jenny will sing the gorgeous ”Dein Blaues Auge.”
