All lectures are virtual; attend from anywhere.
Eight Wednesdays at noon, June 10-July 29.
An eight-week series of weekly Wednesday noontime talks curated by Jenny Matteucci and Daniel Lockert. Topics range from the art of accompaniment to talks with composers, recitalists and more. Buy individually ($15) or as an eight-week series ($80).
Missed the first one or two? Until June 24, buy the remaining (7 or 6) lectures at the series price ($80), still a savings from the individual price. Choose “8-WEEK SERIES” for details.
Daniel Lockert discusses the differences between solo playing and accompanying, and the joys of collaboration.
A discussion with Christòpheren Nomura about his journey from the San Francisco Boys Choir to appearing on Broadway. You may recognize Christòpheren from the 2019 Mendocino Music Festival.
Join Jenny Matteucci and Daniel Lockert as they explore some of America’s leading song composers.
Ars Minerva creator and Parisian mezzo-soprano Céline Ricci shares the stories of her international career.
How did a bassoonist turn choral director turn cantor? Leigh Korn discusses his life’s work.
Delve into composer Craig Bohmler’s mind and learn what inspires his writing.
David Gordon: Back to the Roots. What makes a renowned Bach tenor return to his roots?
Jenny Matteucci and Daniel Lockert pay homage in song to America’s premier theatre composer.
Series available until June 24. After June 24, available individually only.
Missed the first one or two? Until June 24, buy the remaining (7 or 6) lectures at the series price ($80), still a savings from the individual price. Choose “8-WEEK SERIES” for details.